CPA Online Community Platform
What We Do

Our Cross-Cutting Themes

We are committed to mainstreaming six cross-cutting themes throughout our operations and workstreams.

We will work to ensure that these themes are fully integrated across the CPA Secretariat’s ways of working and that they underpin the development and delivery of all CPA budgets, programmes, communications, partnerships and evaluation methods.

Through mainstreaming these themes into our work and decision-making processes, we will create a more inclusive, responsive and relevant organisation.

Find out more about our work on each theme below.

Technology and Innovation

Technology and Innovation

Find out more about how the CPA is prioritising work on emerging technology and innovation in the context of parliaments
Climate Change and Sustainable Development

Climate Change and Sustainable Development

Find out more about how the themes of climate change and sustainable development are mainstreamed throughout the CPA's work
Youth Engagement

Youth Engagement

Learn more about how we engage with future Commonwealth leaders.
Commonwealth Women Parliamentarians (CWP)

Commonwealth Women Parliamentarians (CWP)

The CWP works to increase gender equality in 180 Parliaments and Legislatures across the Commonwealth.
CPA Small Branches

CPA Small Branches

Empowering small Parliaments and Legislatures to tackle big challenges.
Commonwealth Parliamentarians with Disabilities (CPwD)

Commonwealth Parliamentarians with Disabilities (CPwD)

The CPwD network encourages Commonwealth Parliaments to enable effective and full participation of persons with disabilities at all levels.