Youth Creativity Competition 2021
This competition is now closed. Find out more about the winners ->
To commemorate the 110th Anniversary of the CPA, we are launching a new competition targeted at our Commonwealth youth. The Youth Creativity Competition will be officially launched on the 18 July 2021 and will close on the 29 October 2021.
The competition will be a chance for those up to the age of 18 to show or tell us:
“What will Parliaments look like in the next 110 years?”
Former Commonwealth Youth Parliament participants introduce the CPA Youth Creativity Competition 2021
Young people will be able to enter the competition using a variety of methods, they could write a short essay, create a video, design a poster, or enter in any other creative format (see below).
The judges will be looking for creativity and imagination whilst having a good understanding of what a parliament/legislature is and why it is important now and in the future. Submissions should also consider the impact of climate change and the desire for sustainable development.
Submissions could look at national or sub-national legislatures. For example, it could be the Australian Federal Parliament or the Parliament of New South Wales.
One Winner and Runner Up will be chosen from each age category. Winners and Runners Up will receive a Certificate and the winner for each category will win the equivalent of GBP £100 of book/gift vouchers. Winners and Runners Up will also have their submissions published by the CPA.
To enter the competition, participants must send their entry, along with a completed application form (available below), to their CPA Branch - that’s their national or sub-national Parliament.
Not sure which CPA Branch to submit to or how to contact them? Find your Branch contact details using our Directory or visit the Where We Work section for the full list of CPA Branches in your region.
All submissions must be sent to the relevant branch by midnight (local time) on 29th October 2021.
For full submission guidelines and to download the application form, scroll down to the bottom of the page.
The winners and runners up will be selected at the end of September and will be notified on the first week of October.
Types of Submissions
Written Submissions
Love writing? Why not try writing an essay, story or poem.
Written submissions must be no longer than 1000 words, sent in Microsoft Word or PDF format and submitted electronically.
Video Submissions
Are you a future YouTube star? Then make a video! It could be a presentation, animation, song or other performance.
Video submissions must be submitted electronically in mp4 format and should not be more that 5mins in length.
Artistic Submissions
More of an artist? Send us a painting, photo, collage, sculpture or other piece of art.
Evidence of the submission must be submitted as a photograph (or collection of photographs) electronically in .jpeg, .tiff, .png or .ai format. The size of the image should not exceed 10mb and should be high quality (300ppi or higher). Submissions should be in full colour where applicable.
Additional Information
- Submissions should be sent electronically to the appropriate CPA Branch who will forward on their shortlist to the CPA Headquarters Secretariat by the stated deadline. CPA Branches should submit up to 12 submissions per jurisdiction (four per age category).
- Submissions should be from Commonwealth citizens only.
- Only one submission per person.
- All submissions must be in English.
- Those submitting something should confirm that the submission is their own work.[1]
- All submissions should be accompanied by an application form, which includes an accompanying comment section (up to 200 words) for explaining the context of the submission – e.g. the reason for the video or written submission or captions explaining the subject matter.
- By submitting to the competition, authors and producers agree to have their material published in either The Parliamentarian journal or posted on the CPA website and social media channels.
[1] Plagiarism is presenting someone else’s work, in whole or in part, as your own. Submissions are made in good faith and the responsibility for any potential claim for plagiarism or malpractice lies solely with the author or producer.
As part of the submission, submitters are asserting that they have acquired consent from a parent, guardian or teacher to enter CPA Youth Creativity Competition 2021 and that you agree to the CPA’s Privacy Policy
Submitters also agree for the CPA to hold the details and materials of the submissions for the express purposes of the competition only. Thereafter, all materials and personal information will be deleted.
The CPA agree to provide full credit to submitters but will not publish full names of competition winners without the express permission of a parent, guardian or teacher.
- Branches are kindly requested to disseminate the necessary material to educational and youth related entities in your jurisdiction.
- Form a judging panel to select the Branch’s shortlist.
- Send the shortlist to the CPA Headquarters Secretariat
- CPA Branches should submit up to 12 submissions per jurisdiction (four per age category)
- Should the winner be selected from the Branch’s submissions, assist the Headquarters in issuing the Prize.
- (Optional) arrange an event in the Branch to award the prize and/or support arrangements for the relevant Member to present the award in the constituency.
Subject Line: CPA Youth Creativity Competition 2021
Email Address: hq.sec@cpahq.org
Branches may wish to opt-out of supporting this youth engagement initiative due to limited capacity, or to avoid domestic competing youth competition initiatives. If this should be the case, the CPA Headquarters Secretariat kindly request that they are notified of this decision as soon as possible following the receipt of this document.