News from the CPA and Commonwealth Parliaments (February 2025)
Our monthly round-up of the latest news, events and activities with the CPA and in Parliaments and Legislatures around the Commonwealth.
This edition includes:
- The Malta Parliament hosting a CPA Parliamentary Academy Residency Programme for Commonwealth Parliamentarians
- The first CPA joint Asia South-East Asia Regional Conference in Punjab, Pakistan
- The 3rd Commonwealth Parliamentarians with Disabilities Africa Regional Conference in Zambia
- A CPA Benchmarks self-assessment visit to Seychelles
- CPA Secretary-General bilaterals with the CPA Northern Ireland Branch, Whips from the Pakistan National Assembly and the Speaker of South Australia
- Engagement with International Organisations by CPA member Branches, including the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) and the Group of Parliaments of the Pacific Islands (GPIP)
- Regional diplomacy, including the CPA Africa Region’s Society of Clerks-at-the-Table meeting and the 2025 Caribbean Clerks Programme in Trinidad and Tobago
- Bilateral diplomacy, including a visit by CPA UK to Malaysia and Singapore, the UK Speaker's visit to Malaysia, the Speaker of the Maldives's visit to India, MPs from Kiribati visiting the Australian Capital Territory and a delegation from Uganda visiting Malawi.
CPA news
Malta Parliament hosts CPA Parliamentary Academy Residency Programme for Commonwealth Parliamentarians
The CPA has held an Advanced Parliamentary Development and Skills-building Residency Programme for MPs, hosted by the Parliament of Malta from 24 to 28 February 2025. Over 30 Parliamentarians from across the Commonwealth attended the CPA programme which focused on enhancing Parliamentarians’ soft skills in communication, planning, time management, people management and creative thinking.
Read more here.
First joint CPA Asia and South-East Asia Regional Conference promotes collaboration and development
From 6 to 10 February 2025, Commonwealth Parliamentarians from across the Asia and South-East Asia Regions met in Lahore, Pakistan to attend the first joint CPA Asia and South-East Asia Regional Conference. The event was hosted by the Provincial Assembly of the Punjab, Pakistan on the theme of ‘Parliamentary Strategies for Inclusive Growth and Sustainable Futures in Asia and South-East Asia’.
Read more here.
Above: Delegates in the Provincial Assembly of the Punjab for the first joint CPA Asia South-East Asia Regional Conference.
CPA awarded new accreditation badge from The Commonwealth
As one of the oldest established Commonwealth organisations, the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA) is an officially Accredited and Associated Commonwealth organisation.
The Commonwealth is supported by a network of more than 90 Accredited Organisations and nine Associated Organisations all working in specialist areas from education to urban planning. As an Associated Organisation, the CPA is formally recognised as a part of the Commonwealth family and is therefore committed to the values and principles of the Commonwealth, as written in the Commonwealth Charter.
This week, a new accreditation badge was awarded to the CPA by the Commonwealth Secretariat, unique in number with a clear mark of verification.

Above: attendees at the ceremony announcing new Accredited and Associated Commonwealth organisations
The Commonwealth Secretary-General, Rt Hon. Patricia Scotland, KC said that all accredited organisations have played a significant role in helping The Commonwealth to deliver on its mandate and reflected on how this support was vital during the COVID-19 pandemic. Four new accredited organisations were also announced bringing the total number to 92 - the four new organisations are the Commonwealth Chemistry Association, the Commonwealth Security and Resilience Group, the Institute for Economics and Peace, and The Links, Incorporated.
CPA Secretary-General bilaterals
CPA Secretary-General visits Belfast to mark the 50th meeting of the CPA Northern Ireland Branch
From 18 to 19 February 2025, the CPA Secretary-General, Stephen Twigg visited the Northern Ireland Assembly in Belfast to celebrate the 50th meeting of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA) Northern Ireland Branch.
Read more here.
Above: CPA Secretary-General Stephen Twigg with the Speaker of the Northern Ireland Legislative Assembly, Hon. Edwin Poots.
Pakistan Chief Whips visit Westminster
The CPA Deputy Secretary-General, Jarvis Matiya met with a delegation of Chief Whips from the National Assembly of Pakistan during their visit to Westminster.
The Deputy SG welcomed the Members and spoke about CPA’s activities with the Legislatures in Pakistan including the recent joint CPA Asia & South-East Asia Regional Conference in Punjab
The Pakistan delegation were undertaking a training programme orgnaised by the CPA UK Branch.
Above: A delegation of Chief Whips from the National Assembly of Pakistan with the CPA Deputy Secretary-General, Jarvis Matiya.
South Australia Speaker visits CPA Headquarters
The Speaker of the Legislative Assembly of South Australia, Hon. Leon Bignell, MP, met with the CPA Secretary-General, Stephen Twigg during a visit to Westminster on 21 February 2025.
Discussions focused on CPA activities in the CPA Australia Region as well as the CPA Parliamentary Academy which provides online and Residency courses for Parliamentarians and parliamentary staff.
Above: CPA Secretary-General Stephen Twigg with Hon. Leon Bignell, MP, Speaker of the South Australia Legislative Assembly.
Bilateral visits and Parliamentary Diplomacy
UK Members visit Parliaments of Singapore and Malaysia
A delegation from the UK Parliament, led by Rt Hon. Baroness Winterton of Doncaster, visited Singapore and Malaysia as part of a CPA UK-organised mission to promote trade and investment. The delegation included Lord Purvis of Tweed; Hon. Rosie Wrighting, MP; Hon. Matt Bishop, MP; Rt Hon. Richard Holden, MP and Lord Callanan.
At the Parliament of Singapore, the UK delegation met with Deputy Speaker, Hon. Jessica Tan Soon Neo, MP, together with Hon. Fahmi Aliman, MP and Associate Professor Hon. Jamus Lim, MP. Singapore and the UK are celebrating 60 years of diplomatic relations this year, and the visit showcased the strength of inter-parliamentary ties. The delegation also visited the British Chamber of Commerce in Singapore to discuss the UK’s role in the global trade economy.
The UK delegation subsequently visited the Parliament of Malaysia where they met with MPs to discuss parliamentary cooperation and held a meeting with Malaysia’s Deputy Minister of Investment, Trade and Industry, Hon. Chin Tong Liew, MP.
Above: A delegation of UK MPs at the Parliament of Malaysia.
Above: The UK delegation at the British Chamber of Commerce in Singapore.
Kiribati MPs visit ACT Legislative Assembly as part of twining programme
On 11 February 2025, the Speaker of the Australian Capital Territory (ACT) Legislative Assembly, Hon. Mark Parton, MLA welcomed his counterpart from the Parliament of Kiribati (Maneaba ni Maungatabu), Hon. Willie Tokataake, on his first official visit to the Assembly.
The Speaker was accompanied by the Clerk of the Kiribati Parliament, Eni Tekanene, and Airata Temeta Naunta, Editor of Hansard.
The ACT Assembly and the Kiribati Parliaments are part of a CPA twinning programme that supports joint professional learning and capacity building among MPs and parliamentary staff in the CPA Pacific and CPA Australia Regions.
Maldives delegation led by the Speaker of the People’s Majlis visits India Parliament
A parliamentary delegation of the Republic of Maldives, led by the Speaker of the People’s Majlis, Hon. Abdul Raheem Abdullah, visited the Parliament of India on an official mission from 10 to 14 February 2025.
Above: The Speaker of the People’s Majlis arriving in India.
Hon. Abdul Raheem Abdullah and Maldives Parliamentarians held formal talks with their Indian counterparts and engaged in discussions on enhancing legislative collaboration. They met with the Speaker of Lok Sabha, the Vice-President of India and the Chairman of the Rajya Sabha.
As part of their visit, the delegation was invited by the Speaker of the Lok Sabha, Hon. Shri Om Birla to view the proceedings of the Chamber.
Above: The meeting of the two delegations, including the Speaker of the Lok Sabha, Hon. Shri Om Birla and the Speaker of the People’s Majlis of Maldives, Hon. Abdul Raheem Abdullah.
Uganda delegation visits Malawi on a benchmarking tour
On 24 February 2025, a delegation from the Parliament of Uganda led by Hon. Dr Abed Bwanika, Chairperson of the Government Assurances Committee, paid a courtesy call on the Clerk of Parliament of Malawi, Fiona Kalemba.
The seven-member delegation was on a benchmarking tour to the Parliament of Malawi. The visit aimed to enhance the Ugandan Committee's execution of its mandate.
This exchange underscores the importance of inter-parliamentary cooperation and knowledge sharing in strengthening governance and oversight mechanisms.
UK Speaker visits Malaysia Parliament
The Speaker of the UK House of Commons, Rt Hon. Sir Lindsay Hoyle, MP visited the Parliament of Malaysia in February 2025.
In Malaysia, the UK Speaker met with the Speaker of the House of Representatives (Dewan Rakyat) at the Parliament of Malaysia, H.E. Johari bin Abdul, MP for discussions on cooperation between the two countries at the legislative level including new opportunities for knowledge sharing as well as capacity-building initiatives in the areas of gender equality in parliamentary representation and strengthening youth leadership. The UK Speaker also met with the President of the Malaysian Senate (Dewan Negara), Senator Hon. Datuk Awang Bemee, to the role of the Upper House in the legislative process.
The UK Speaker’s delegation was received by the Governor of Sarawak, HM Tun Pehin Sri Dr Haji Wan Junaidi Bin Tuanku Jaafar. The discussion covered aspects of the Constitution and the role of Parliament in strengthening good governance. The Governor, who is a former Senate President, also highlighted Malaysia as an active member of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA).
Above: Speaker of the UK House of Commons, Rt Hon. Sir Lindsay Hoyle, MP with his counterpart, H.E. Johari bin Abdul, MP, Speaker of the Malaysia House of Representatives.
Africa Region Clerks visit The Gambia for SOCATT meeting
The Speaker of the National Assembly of The Gambia, Rt Hon. Fabakary Tombong Jatta, who is the current President of the CPA Africa Region, welcomed the CPA Africa Region’s Society of Clerks-at-the-Table (SoCATT) Steering Committee to Banjul for their latest meeting on 4 February 2025.
The Gambia Speaker commended SoCATT Africa for its contributions to effective legislative governance and reaffirmed the importance of Parliamentary Clerks in supporting parliamentary processes. He emphasised the need for greater recognition of SoCATT Africa’s work and pledged continued support in advancing its objectives within the CPA Africa Region.
The visiting delegation was led by the SoCATT Africa Steering Committee Chairperson, Paran Tarawally, who is also the Clerk of the Parliament of Sierra Leone, and the SoCATT Africa Region Vice-Chairperson and Clerk of the Parliament of Malawi, Fiona Kalemba. Other attendees included the CPA Africa Regional Secretary, Baraka Leonard, who also serves as the Clerk of the Parliament of Tanzania, and the Clerk of the National Assembly of The Gambia, Kalipha MM Mbye.
Above: Clerks from across the CPA Africa Region at their meeting in The Gambia.
The Society of Clerks-at-the-Table (SoCATT) Africa Region provides a network for the sharing of best parliamentary practice amongst the Commonwealth Legislatures in the region and its members include a wide range of jurisdictions across the CPA Africa Region including Ghana, Uganda, South Africa, Eswatini, Namibia and Kenya. The SoCATT Africa Annual General Meeting is usually held in the margins of the CPA Africa Regional Conference, which is due to take place in The Gambia later this year.
Above: The Speaker of the National Assembly of The Gambia, Rt Hon. Fabakary Tombong Jatta, who is the current President of the CPA Africa Region (centre), welcomed delegates to The Gambia.
Caribbean Clerks Programme in Trinidad and Tobago
The Trinidad and Tobago Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA), in collaboration with the CPA UK Branch and ParlAmericas, hosted the Caribbean Clerks Programme 2025, a Regional Workshop for 33 Clerks and Parliamentary Officials from 16 CPA Branches in the Caribbean, Americas and the Atlantic Region from 11 to 13 February 2025.
Caribbean Clerks were welcomed by the Clerk of the House at the Parliament of Trinidad and Tobago, Mr Brian Caesar and heard from a wide range of Clerks and former Clerks in the training sessions which followed exploring the role of Clerks and parliamentary officials, codes of conduct and ethics, and improving efficiency using new technology and Artificial Intelligence.
In her welcome remarks Sharla Elcock, Legal Officer II at the Parliament of Trinidad and Tobago, said:
“There must be a cadre of trusted, dedicated parliamentary officials to support the effective work of parliament and keep democracy rolling.”
The Clerk of the Housing, Communities and Local Government Select Committee at the UK Parliament, Mike Everett, shared his expertise with delegates and said:
“Members of Parliament are the elected representatives, but Members come and go. Parliament as an institution remains and so it’s important that it has trusted, dedicated and impartial parliamentary officials to support the work and the democratic process.”

Above: Clerks at the 2025 Caribbean Clerks Programme in Trinidad and Tobago.
Isle of Man study visit by Solomon Islands Parliamentarians ‘a non-stop learning trip’
A study visit to the Parliament of the Isle of Man (Tynwald) by a delegation from the National Parliament of Solomon Islands has been hailed ‘a non-stop learning trip’.
Deputy Speaker, Hon. Catherine Nori, MP, together with Hon. Choy Lin Yim Douglas, MP, Minister of Culture and Tourism, and Mr Jefferson Hallu, Clerk to Parliament visited the Isle of Man from 27 to 30 January 2025, as part of a wider visit to the UK.
Since 2022, the National Parliament of Solomon Islands has been working with the Westminster Foundation for Democracy (WFD) to facilitate two capacity-building visits by Tynwald Research and Scrutiny staff to the Solomon Islands and a study visit to the Isle of Man in return.
Hon. Catherine Nori, MP said:
“Solomon Islands, with its population of around 800,000, has a unicameral Parliament, so it was very interesting to visit the Isle of Man with its population of around 85,000 but which has a tricameral Parliament. Having had the opportunity to observe Tynwald sittings we can see the advantages of a system with more than one chamber; every Member was clearly involved in the decision-making progress and able to express their views. It seemed to us that issues were considered by ‘all minds’ so made for better representation of the electorate.”
The visiting delegation observed sittings, discussed proceedings and met with Presiding Officers, Tynwald Members and parliamentary staff.
Above: Members of the Solomon Islands delegation with CPA Secretariat staff during their wider visit to the UK
CPA Benchmarks news
National Assembly of Seychelles undertakes CPA Benchmarks Self-Assessment
A delegation from Commonwealth Parliamentary Association International Headquarters met with the National Assembly of Seychelles from 24 to 28 February as part of a CPA Benchmarks self-assessment. The CPA’s Recommended Benchmarks for Democratic Legislatures provide a framework for excellence in Commonwealth parliamentary and legislative practice and were updated in 2018 to include the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), in particular SDG16 on strong and sustainable democratic institutions.
Read more here.

Above: Members of the CPA Delegation meeting with the Speaker, the Clerk and the Deputy Clerk at the National Assembly of Seychelles.
International Organisations
Historic steps to create a new Pacific Inter-Parliamentary Assembly
Pacific Speakers and Clerks have met to recommend the first steps for a new Pacific Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (PIPA). A meeting of the working group responsible for the restructuring of the Group of Parliaments of the Pacific Islands (GPIP) was held on 5 and 6 February 2025 hosted by the Assembly of French Polynesia in Tahiti.
The working group, comprising a group of five Pacific Parliaments (Fiji, Solomon Islands, Palau, French Polynesia and Tonga), has been analysing options to strengthen the GPIP in order to ensure its autonomy and sustainability. Their latest recommendation is for the creation of a new Pacific Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (PIPA) which would be a Pacific-led institution uniting Parliaments and Legislatures across all Pacific Islands. The Assembly would foster regional cooperation and amplify the voice of Pacific Legislatures both regionally and internationally.
The 18-member Pacific Islands Parliaments Group (PIPG) was originally established in 2013 as the six-member Polynesian Parliamentarians Group (PPG) with the objective of contributing to a better knowledge of the functioning of the representative institutions and the strengthening of democracy in the region. In 2019, with the participation of additional members across the Region, new statutes transformed the group into the Pacific Islands Parliaments Group (PIPG) with the purpose of promoting inter-parliamentary relations and cooperation between member Parliaments.
Today, the Pacific Islands Parliaments Group (PIPG) comprises the following member Parliaments: American Samoa; Cook Islands; French Polynesia; Fiji; Hawaii; New Caledonia; New Zealand; Niue; Palau; Rapa Nui; Tokelau; Tonga; Tuvalu; Western Samoa; Vanuatu; Wallis and Futuna. The PIPG Secretariat is hosted by the Assembly of French Polynesia. Find out more here.
Commonwealth Speakers join preparations for World Conference
Ahead of the IPU's Parliamentary Hearing at the United Nations in New York on 13 February 2025, Commonwealth Speakers from The Bahamas, Nigeria, Canada, United Kingdom, Zambia and Guyana joined MPs from around the world to meet with Inter-Parliamentary Union President, Hon. Dr Tulia Ackson, Speaker of the National Assembly of Tanzania, and IPU Secretary-General Martin Chungong to prepare for the 6th World Conference of Speakers of Parliament due to take place in Switzerland in July 2025. The day before the Conference will also see the 15th IPU Summit of Women Speakers of Parliament take place. The World Conference of Speakers of Parliament takes place every five years.
Above: Speakers and Clerks from across the world gather in New York, led by Inter-Parliamentary Union President, Hon. Dr Tulia Ackson, Speaker of the National Assembly of Tanzania (centre).
CPwD News
Zambia hosts 3rd CPA Africa Region Commonwealth Parliamentarians with Disabilities Conference
From 24 to 28 February 2025, Commonwealth Parliamentarians from across the CPA Africa Region met in Lusaka, Zambia, for the third Commonwealth Parliamentarians with Disabilities (CPwD) Africa Region Conference. The event was hosted by the National Assembly of Zambia on the theme of ‘Breaking Barriers: Building inclusive Parliaments for persons with disabilities.’
The event was attended by the CPA Chairperson, Hon. Dr Christopher Kalila, MP (Zambia).
Read more here.
Above: Delegates at the 3rd CPA Africa Region Commonwealth Parliamentarians with Disabilities Conference.
CWP News
CWP Steering Committee discuss future activities in 2025
The International Steering Committee of the Commonwealth Women Parliamentarians (CWP) held a virtual meeting on 18 February 2025 with MPs from Rwanda, Sri Lanka, Western Australia, Scotland, Nova Scotia and India to discuss upcoming activities for the network.
New CWP Canada publication provides guidance for women MPs mentoring young women
A new guide from the Commonwealth Women Parliamentarians (CWP) Canadian Region has been published with support and advice for Parliaments to enable them set up their own twinning/mentoring programmes to connect women MPs with young women who may be interested in entering politics.
The CWP Canada Region’s twinning programme has three main objectives: to allow young women aged 17 to 25 to experience parliamentary life by accompanying women Parliamentarians in their parliamentary activities; to get young women interested in politics; and to offer women Parliamentarians an opportunity to speak with young women about their interests and concerns.
This programme aligns with the CWP Canada’s mission to assist Canadian women and girls to discover their political potential, experience the fulfilment of a career in public service and create a better society. The new guide shares a proposed framework and structure based on lessons learned and best practices that have emerged from recent programmes.
The guide was developed by the CWP Canada Region with funding from the 2024 CWP Regional Strengthening Funds to support Parliaments in the delivery of twinning/mentoring programmes for young women.
· To download the CWP Canada Region Twinning Programmes Guide please click here.
· To find further resources visit the CWP Regional Strengthening Funds Ideas Repository and you can also find out about applying for CWP Regional Strengthening Funds.
Scottish Parliament publishes Gender-Sensitising Parliaments Guide to share best practice with Legislatures
Following recommendations from the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association and the Commonwealth Women Parliamentarians (CWP) network, The Scottish Parliament have launched a new publication, ‘Gender Sensitising Parliaments: A Practical Guide’, which aims to improve equal participation and representation of women in Parliaments around the world.
The Guide outlines the actions taken by The Scottish Parliament and introduces the process of gender sensitising a Parliament or other elected political institution. The new Guide also sets out a six-step process to evaluate and enhance gender sensitivity in Parliaments. It draws upon the work of international organisations, Parliaments and academics who have engaged in this work and summarises the core principles and practices of Gender Sensitising Parliaments (GSP).
Read more here.
CPA Branch News
CPA UK launches Legislative Strengthening Reports Against Modern Slavery and Gender-Based Violence
Two new reports published by the CPA UK Branch in February 2025 detail how Parliamentarians are using legislation to bring about positive changes against modern slavery and gender-based violence.
The report findings are based on CPA UK seminars that examined how international legislators and officials could effectively introduce or strengthen legislation to address forced labour and violence against women and girls. More than 50 Commonwealth Parliamentarians and legislative officials from 17 jurisdictions took part in the seminar and their experiences are shared in the two reports. The reports provide approaches to scrutinising, developing and amending legislation, as well as more specific policy areas.
You can download both reports here.
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