CPA Online Community Platform

News from the CPA and Commonwealth Parliaments (January 2025)

Our monthly round-up of the latest news, events and activities with the CPA and in Parliaments and Legislatures around the Commonwealth

This edition includes:

  • Parliamentary Security: New CPA handbook provides guidance to Parliaments
  • Speaker of Australia meets CPA Secretary-General during Westminster visit
  • Canada’s Presiding Officers meet in Nunavut
  • Commonwealth Parliamentarians examine the impact of Artificial Intelligence in Security
  • CPA launches 2025 Commonwealth Parliamentarian of the Year Awards
  • Commonwealth Speakers and Presiding Officers at CSPOC meeting in Guernsey
  • CWP webinar addresses gender imbalance in Parliaments
  • Eastern Cape Legislature holds induction for new Women Members
  • CPA launches Environmental Impact Fund for Parliaments
  • India Speaker inaugurates 85th All India Presiding Officers Conference at Bihar Legislative Assembly
  • Speaker of India visits UK and Scottish Parliaments 
  • Women Legislators in India promote democratic representation in Parliaments
  • Parliament of Jamaica undertakes CPA Democratic Benchmarks assessment 
  • Niue Assembly's Democratic Benchmarks report published
  • Commonwealth Clerks-at-the-Table attend New Zealand Conference
  • Parliamentary Clerks from Sierra Leone and Malawi visit Tanzania for SoCATT Africa Region meeting
  • Solomon Islands MPs visit Westminster following CPA Benchmarks assessment

CPA news

The latest CPA activities

CPA launches 2025 Commonwealth Parliamentarian of the Year Awards

As part of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association’s mission to strengthen parliamentary democracy through the promotion of good governance and sharing best practice, the Commonwealth Parliamentarian of the Year Awards will again take place in 2025.

The awards are open to nominees who are current Parliamentarians across the Commonwealth, with a main Commonwealth Parliamentarian of the Year Award 2025, as well as three further awards for the following categories: Parliamentary Equality and Diversity Award; New Parliamentarian Award; and Parliamentarian Life-time Achievement Award.

Last year, Hon. Khurram Ijaz Chattha, MPA, a Member of the Provincial Assembly of Punjab in Pakistan, was the recipient of the 2024 Commonwealth Parliamentarian of the Year Award, in recognition of his parliamentary service and promoting good governance.

The closing date for the 2025 awards will be 7 August 2025 and award recipients will be announced at the forthcoming 68th Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference in Bridgetown, Barbados in October 2025.

Click here to find out more


CPA launches Environmental Impact Fund for Parliaments

In recognition of the critical task of tackling climate change, the CPA has launched a new Environmental Impact Fund. This fund will finance projects in CPA Branches that adhere to environmental best practices and align with the CPA’s commitment to reducing its carbon footprint. A central aim of the Fund is to support Commonwealth Parliaments in their efforts towards achieving net-zero emissions, in line with global sustainability efforts.

CPA Secretary-General, Stephen Twigg said:

“Tackling climate change and promoting sustainability are critical tasks, and Parliaments must lead by example. That's why I'm delighted to announce the launch of the CPA Environmental Impact Fund for 2025. The Fund will support Commonwealth Parliaments as they undertake green projects, from increases in energy efficiency for Parliament buildings to the installation of solar panels on Parliamentary estates.”

Other potential projects for Legislatures could include green infrastructure and water management, waste reduction and recycling or sustainable transport.

Bids can be submitted before 30 April 2025. Find out more here.


Parliamentary Security: New CPA handbook provides guidance to Parliaments

Parliamentary buildings are often seen as the symbolic heart of democracy. Places where elected representatives come together to make laws and shape policy. It is therefore no surprise that such vital institutions can be viewed as tempting targets for attack.

Parliamentarians are also the subject of increasing violence and harm which manifests itself both online and in-person. Across the world, governance institutions, political groups and individual Members of Parliament are under constant threat, whether that be cyber, physical or technical in nature.

With these risks in mind, the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA) has developed, for the first time, a valuable and timely resource. The Parliamentary Security: An Introductory Guide is intended as a resource to guide best-practice approaches around parliamentary security. Our motivation is to aid Parliaments to meet the highest standards in parliamentary management and governance.

Introducing the Guide, the CPA Secretary-General, Stephen Twigg, said:

“The CPA’s Parliamentary Security: An Introductory Guide is designed to provide a strategic-level overview and identify key considerations and actions that can be taken to minimise the risk to Parliaments and peripheral entities. I offer my appreciation to all the Parliaments and their security experts who offered valuable insight and guidance towards the development of this publication. It once again highlights the shared importance of this issue and the collaborative ethos at the heart of the CPA and the Commonwealth.”

The new CPA Parliamentary Security: An Introductory Guide is available to download by clicking here.



CPA Secretary-General bilaterals

Visits and meetings with the CPA Secretary-General and CPA Secretariat staff

Speaker of Australia meets CPA Secretary-General during Westminster visit

The Speaker of the House of Representatives at the Parliament of Australia, Hon. Milton Dick, MP met with the CPA Secretary-General, Stephen Twigg to discuss a wide range of activities including professional development support for Parliamentarians and parliamentary staff through the CPA Parliamentary Academy, increasing representation for women in Parliament thorough the Commonwealth Women Parliamentarians (CWP) network and the CPA’s work on human rights.

The Speaker of Australia was hosted by the Speaker of the UK House of Commons, Rt Hon. Sir Lindsay Hoyle, MP for his visit to Westminster where they discussed security for the Parliamentary community and the upcoming CSPOC Standing Committee in Guernsey.

The Parliament of Australia hosted the 26th Conference of Speakers and Presiding Officers of the Commonwealth (CSPOC) in January 2023 with more than 30 Commonwealth Parliaments represented.

Images copyright: UK House of Commons/Speaker's Office.



CPA Benchmarks news

Latest updates

Parliament of Jamaica undertakes CPA Democratic Benchmarks assessment to focus on parliamentary strengthening and reform

A delegation from the CPA met with the Parliament of Jamaica as part of a CPA Benchmarks self-assessment. The CPA’s Recommended Benchmarks for Democratic Legislatures provide a framework for excellence in Commonwealth parliamentary and legislative practice.

As part of their visit, the CPA delegation met with the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives, as well as wider Members and staff from both Houses. The CPA team also held discussions with a range of external stakeholders including representatives of the Jamaican Government, and Jamaica’s Electoral Commission, Attorney-General and Auditor-General offices, as well media personnel.

Speaking about the CPA self-assessment, Senator Hon. Thomas Tavares-Finson, President of the Senate of Jamaica said:

“This self-assessment exercise represents our unwavering commitment to ensuring that our legislative practices meet the highest standards of good governance. It is an opportunity to further strengthen our democracy and better serve the Jamaican people.”

Also speaking about the self-assessment, Hon. Juliet Holness, MP, Speaker of the House of Representatives of Jamaica said:

“We are proud to engage in this critical exercise, which demonstrates our commitment to accountability and legislative excellence. By adopting key benchmarks, we pave the way for a stronger and more inclusive parliamentary system.”

To find out more about the CPA Benchmarks visit to Jamaica please click here.


Niue Assembly's Democratic Benchmarks report published

Last year, the Niue Assembly undertook a self-assessment with the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association against the CPA's Democratic Benchmarks for Legislatures to focus on parliamentary strengthening and reform. The CPA Democratic Benchmarks provide a framework for excellence in Commonwealth parliamentary practice and link to the UN SDG16 on strong and sustainable democratic institutions.

As part of their visit to Alofi, the CPA delegation met with the Speaker of the Niue Assembly, the Clerk and Members of Parliament as well as Assembly staff, Cabinet Ministers, government officials, national agencies, village councils and representatives of Niuean civil society.

The final Outcomes Report has now been published with recommendations to strengthen parliamentary institutions in Niue. To read more about the visit and download the report please click here.


Solomon Islands MPs visit Westminster following CPA Benchmarks assessment

A delegation from the National Parliament of Solomon Islands visited the UK Parliament in Westminster to meet with Members and officials as part of a learning exercise. The delegation included the Deputy Speaker, Hon. Cathy Nori, MP; the Minister for Culture, Hon. Choy Lin Yim Douglas, MP; Hon. Ricky Fuo’o, MP; and the Clerk to Parliament, Jefferson Hallu.

The areas of focus for the visit included examining the organisation of Parliamentary Select Committees, developing MPs’ skills and relations with their electorate, understanding parliamentary procedures and reviewing Standing Orders.

The Commonwealth Parliamentary Association’s Head of Programmes, Matthew Salik and Good Governance Project Manager, Fraser McIntosh met with the Solomon Islands delegation to brief them on the CPA’s Parliamentary Academy, networks and programmes. The National Parliament of Solomon Islands recently undertook a self-assessment against the CPA’s ‘Recommended Benchmarks for Democratic Legislatures’ which provide a framework for excellence in Commonwealth parliamentary and legislative practice.

The visit to the UK Parliament was coordinated by the Westminster Foundation for Democracy (WFD) and the CPA UK Branch.



Commonwealth Women Parliamentarians (CWP) news

Activities promoting gender equality in Parliaments

CWP webinar addresses gender imbalance in Parliaments

Members of the Commonwealth Women Parliamentarians (CWP) network attended a virtual webinar on ‘Gender Quota Mechanisms in Parliaments’ on 20 January 2025. Chaired by Sarah Boyack, MSP (Scotland) from the CWP Steering Committee, the webinar continued conversations from the CWP British Islands and Mediterranean (BIM) CWP Regional Conference in Malta last year.

Attendees heard from experts including Professor Sarah Childs, a leading voice on women’s representation in Parliaments, alongside representatives from the Parliaments of Malta and Kenya with discussions covering entrenched gender imbalance, achieving gender balance and exploring how different models suit different electoral systems.


Eastern Cape Legislature holds induction for new Women Members

The Commonwealth Women Parliamentarians (CWP) Eastern Cape Chapter in South Africa hosted an induction programme for newly elected Women Members of Provincial Legislature on 28 and 29 January 2025.

The Speaker of the KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Legislature, Hon. Nontembeko Boyce, MPL gave the keynote address and outlined the significance of the CWP in the transformation agenda of the CPA and ensuring that there was equal representation of women in Parliaments across the Commonwealth.

The Speaker of the Eastern Cape Provincial Legislature, Hon. Helen Sauls-August, MPL remarked that induction is an important gathering which provides means of building the capacity of women elected to Parliament to be more effective in their roles, improving the awareness and ability of all Parliamentarians male and female and helping Parliaments to become gender sensitive institutions.

Other presenters included the Chairperson of the CWP Eastern Cape Chapter, Hon. Nozibele Nyalambisa, MPL; and the Deputy Chairperson, Hon. Camileo Benjamin, MPL.


Women Legislators in India promote democratic representation in Parliaments

Women Parliamentarians in the States of Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand have participated in a regional conference to promote democratic representation in India.

The event was held under the theme of ‘Representation of women in the Legislature, the role of women Members in increasing participation in Legislative proceedings and strengthening parliamentary democracy’ and organised under the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association India Region - Zone 1.

Delegates were welcomed by the Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh, Hon. Yogi Adityanath and the Speaker of the Legislative Assembly of Uttar Pradesh, Hon. Shri Satish Mahana, MLA.

The keynote speaker was former India Union Minister. Hon. Smriti Zubin Irani who spoke about her journey in politics and the event was also attended by Hon. Ritu Khanduri Bhushan, MLA, the Speaker of the Legislative Assembly of Uttarakhand and a CPA India representative on the CPA International Executive Committee.



Bilateral visits and Parliamentary Diplomacy

Commonwealth Parliamentary visits

Commonwealth Speakers and Presiding Officers at CSPOC meeting in Guernsey

The States Assembly of Guernsey has hosted the meeting of the Standing Committee of the Conference of Speakers and Presiding Officers of the Commonwealth (CSPOC) from 10 to 11 January 2025. The Bailiff of Guernsey and President of the States of Guernsey, Sir Richard McMahon hosted the visiting delegates in St Peter Port, the capital of the Bailiwick.

The Speaker of the 18th Lok Sabha at the Parliament of India, Hon. Shri Om Birla chaired the meeting of the CSPOC Standing Committee in his role as the host of the 28th CSPOC which is due to be held in India in January 2026. The meeting sets the agenda and topics for discussion at the biennial conference.

The Standing Committee oversees CSPOC activities and is composed of 15 Members (with 5 Members constituting a quorum). The Committee is chaired by the Speaker of the lower House of the jurisdiction hosting the next conference and the term of office extends from the end of one conference to the end of the next conference.

Above: Delegates attending the CSPOC Standing Committee in Guernsey included (left to right): Lord Fakafanua, Speaker of the Legislative Assembly (Parliament of Tonga); Hon. Greg Fergus, Speaker of the House of Commons (Parliament of Canada); Hon. Papali’iLi’o Oloipola Taeu Masipau, Speaker of the Legislative Assembly (Parliament of Samoa); the Speaker of the 18th Lok Sabha at the Parliament of India, Hon. Shri Om Birla; Rt Hon. Sir Lindsay Hoyle, MP, Speaker of the House of Commons (Parliament of the United Kingdom); Hon. Milton Dick, Speaker of the House of Representatives (Parliament of Australia); the Bailiff and President of the States of Guernsey, Sir Richard McMahon; and Rt Hon. Dr Moses Wetang'ula, Speaker of the National Assembly (Parliament of Kenya).

The CSPOC Conference brings together the Speakers and Presiding Officers of the Parliaments and Legislatures of the Commonwealth. It focuses on the sharing of experiences, collaboration and partnership across the Parliaments of the Commonwealth. CSPOC was created in 1969 by Hon. Lucien Lamoureux, 27th Speaker of the Canadian House of Commons to focus on the role of Speakers within parliamentary institutions and CSPOC is a separate independent organisation, although many of its participants are also members of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association. CSPOC operates on a two-year cycle, holding a conference of the full membership every two years.

For more information about the Conference of Speakers and Presiding Officers of the Commonwealth (CSPOC) please visit


Speaker of India visits UK and Scottish Parliaments ahead of CSPOC meeting in Guernsey

The Speaker of the 18th Lok Sabha at the Parliament of India, Hon. Shri Om Birla has visited the UK and Scottish Parliaments to promote the many links with India and to meet members of the Indian diaspora.

The Speaker of India was hosted by the Speaker of the UK House of Commons, Rt Hon. Sir Lindsay Hoyle, MP for his visit to Westminster where they discussed a wide range of issues including parliamentary democracy, transparent elections, Artificial Intelligence and gender equality, and also met with the Lord Speaker, Rt Hon. Lord McFall of Alcluith in the House of Lords.

During the visit to Westminster, the Speaker of India also met with the CPA Secretary-General, Stephen Twigg to discuss CPA activities as Hon. Shri Om Birla is also the Chairperson of the CPA India Region.

The Speaker of India also had the opportunity to visit the Dr Ambedkar Museum in London which is a tribute to the life and legacy of the architect of the Indian Constitution which marked its 75th anniversary at the end of 2024. The Speaker of India was accompanied by the Secretary-General of Parliament, Shri Utpal Kumar Singh and the India High Commissioner to the UK, H.E. Vikram Doraiswami.

In Scotland, the Speaker of India, Shri Om Birla met with the Presiding Officer of the Scottish Parliament, Rt Hon. Alison Johnstone, MSP, and the First Minister of Scotland, Rt. Hon. John Swinney MSP as well as Members of the Scottish Parliament.



CPA Branches & CPA Regional news

Latest activities in Commonwealth Parliaments and Legislatures

Canada’s Presiding Officers meet in Nunavut

The 41st Canadian Presiding Officers' Conference (CPOC) took place in Iqaluit, Nunavut from 15 to 18 January 2025. The conference brought together Speakers and Clerks from Canada's Federal and Provincial Legislatures to exchange ideas and best practices. The Conference was hosted by the Speaker of the Legislative Assembly of Nunavut, Hon. Tony Akoak.

Above: Canadian Presiding Officers and Clerks meet in Nunavut.


Commonwealth Parliamentarians examine the impact of Artificial Intelligence in Security

Thirty Parliamentarians from 15 Commonwealth Legislatures came together to discuss the impact of Artificial Intelligence on security and democracy worldwide at a CPA UK Workshop from 28 to 30 January 2025 at the UK Parliament.

The Workshop was hosted in partnership with international think tank, Chatham House and addressed critical issues facing the world today such as AI-enabled disinformation, cybersecurity, defence and international frameworks for responsible AI.

Presentations were led by Parliamentarians and experts from the Tony Blair Institute for Global Change, The Royal United Services Institute (RUSI) and The Alan Turing Institute. Delegates attended from CPA Branches in Belize, Canada, Eswatini, The Gambia, Guernsey, Jamaica, Jersey, Kenya, Malaysia, New South Wales, New Zealand, Nigeria, Saint Lucia, Sierra Leone, Sri Lanka and the United Kingdom.

Sarah Dickson, Chief Executive of CPA UK said:

"This event brought together Parliamentarians, policymakers and experts to examine AI’s vast opportunities and challenges through a global security lens. This workshop offered a unique space for dialogue and collaboration, helping us better understand AI’s profound impact on governance and security worldwide and promote actionable solutions on a global scale.”


India Speaker inaugurates 85th All India Presiding Officers Conference at Bihar Legislative Assembly

The CPA India Regional Chairperson and Speaker of the Lok Sabha, Shri Om Birla inaugurated the two-day 85th All India Presiding Officers Conference in Patna held from 20 to 22 January 2025. Speakers and Presiding Officers from across the CPA India Region, including National and State Legislatures, attended the event held at the Bihar Legislative Assembly.

In his opening address, the Speaker of Lok Sabha stated that all Legislators have a responsibility to promote constitutional values and to work together in collective cooperation to find solutions. He also urged all political parties to create internal codes of conduct, increase meaningful discussions and to promote capacity building using Artificial Intelligence and new technologies. The Conference also marked the 75th anniversary of the Constitution of India.

Delegates were also welcomed by the Speaker of the Legislative Assembly of Bihar, Hon. Shri Nand Kishore Yadav, MLA, the Chairperson of the Bihar Legislative Council, Shri Awadhesh Narain Singh and Hon. Harivansh Narayan Singh, Deputy Chairperson of the Rajya Sabha, the upper house of the Indian Parliament (who is also the Member of Parliament in the Rajya Sabha representing Bihar).

In addition, Parliamentary Clerks from across the CPA India Region also attended the 61st Conference of Secretaries of Legislative Bodies in India, which was held on 20 January 2025 ahead of the Presiding Officers Conference. The Secretary–General of the Lok Sabha, Shri Utpal Kumar Singh chaired the Clerks Conference.


Commonwealth Clerks-at-the-Table attend New Zealand Conference

The New Zealand Parliament has hosted the Australia and New Zealand Association of Clerks-at-the-Table (ANZACATT) Professional Development Seminar from 20 to 23 January 2025 with 90 representatives from across the Commonwealth.

The three-day professional development seminar was hosted by the New Zealand Clerk of the House of Representatives, Dr David Wilson and saw insightful discussions that expanded knowledge on parliamentary systems, procedures and administrative practices. Discussions also centred on the conference's theme: ‘The Agile Parliament: resilience, adaptation and innovation’ as well as electoral influences on parliamentary work and the power of social media influence.

Delegates attended from New Zealand, Australia and the Pacific Region as well as Canada, Northern Ireland, Scotland and the United Kingdom Parliaments. ANZACATT aims to advance the professional development of its members and to enable Parliament staff to expand their knowledge.


Parliamentary Clerks from Sierra Leone and Malawi visit Tanzania for SoCATT Africa Region meeting

The Chairperson of the CPA Africa Region’s Society of Clerks-at-the-Table (SoCATT) Steering Committee, Paran Tarawally, who is also the Clerk of the Parliament of Sierra Leone, and the SoCATT Africa Region Vice-Chairperson and Clerk of the Parliament of Malawi, Fiona Kalemba led a delegation visit to the CPA Africa Region Secretariat at the Parliament of Tanzania in Dodoma City.

The CPA Africa Regional Secretary, Baraka Leonard, who also serves as the Clerk of the Parliament of Tanzania, and the Deputy CPA Africa Regional Secretary, Daniel Eliufoo engaged in discussions with the SoCATT Africa Region Steering Committee around planning for future activities and training programmes for Parliamentary Clerks and officials as well as collaboration on technology and public engagement.

As part of the visit, Members of the SoCATT Africa Region Steering Committee also visited key landmarks including the newly established Government City, the University of Dodoma and the CPA Hotel Project in Dodoma City.

The Society of Clerks-at-the-Table (SoCATT) Africa Region provides a network for the sharing of best parliamentary practice amongst the Commonwealth Legislatures in the region and its members include a wide range of jurisdictions across the CPA Africa Region including Ghana, Uganda, South Africa, Eswatini, Namibia and Kenya. The SoCATT Africa Annual General Meeting is usually held in the margins of the CPA Africa Regional Conference, which is due to take place in The Gambia later this year.



To stay informed about the latest CPA news and actvities in Commonwealth Parliaments:

Related Resources

The Commonwealth Charter (CPA version)

The Commonwealth Charter is a document of the values and aspirations which unite the Commonwealth. It expresses the commitment of member states to the development of free and democratic societies and the promotion of peace and prosperity to improve the lives of all the people of the Commonwealth. The Charter also acknowledges the role of civil society in supporting the goals and values of the Commonwealth.

Commonwealth Latimer House Principles (CPA version)

The Commonwealth Latimer House Principles (officially titled: Commonwealth (Latimer House) Principles on the Three Branches of Government) highlight the importance of the separation of powers between the Legislature, the Executive and the Judiciary to ensure effective governance and democracy. 

CPA Recommended Benchmarks for Democratic Legislatures (2018)

Building on the Commonwealth Latimer House Principles on the separation of powers, the CPA Recommended Benchmarks for Democratic Legislatures provide a framework for excellence in Commonwealth parliamentary and legislative practice.

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News from the CPA and Commonwealth Parliaments (February 2025)

News from the CPA and Commonwealth Parliaments (February 2025)

Our monthly round-up of the latest news, events and activities with the CPA and in Parliaments and Legislatures around the Commonwealth