2024 CPA General Assembly and CPA Executive Committee: Key decisions taken in New South Wales at 67th Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference
During the 67th Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference (CPC) in New South Wales, Commonwealth Parliamentarians attended the 2024 CPA General Assembly on 7 November 2024.
The CPA General Assembly was presided over by the CPA President (2023-2024), Hon. Ben Franklin, MLC, President of the Legislative Council of New South Wales and was attended by Members from 128 CPA Branches. The CPA General Assembly, the Association’s supreme authority, is constituted by delegates to the annual Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference.
The CPA General Assembly also included a topical debate on the role of Parliament in strengthening democratic resilience in an age of fake news and synthetic media with presenters from CPA Branches including Australia Federal, Punjab (Pakistan), The Maldives, Wales, Canada Federal, New Zealand, Trinidad and Tobago, and Northern Ireland.
Some of the key decisions and outcomes from the 2024 CPA General Assembly were:
- Delegates welcomed the work undertaken to enable the CPA to create a new non-charitable organisation and the passage of the CPA Status Bill in the UK Parliament to legislate to recognise the CPA as akin to an international, interparliamentary organisation.
- Delegates approved the 2023 CPA Annual Report (including the audited Financial Statements), the CPA Membership Report, the CPA Budgets and Financial Management Reports.
- Delegates endorsed reports from the three CPA networks - the Commonwealth Women Parliamentarians (CWP), the Commonwealth Parliamentarians with Disabilities (CPwD) and the CPA Small Branches.
During the 2024 CPA General Assembly, CPA Members elected Hon. Dr Christopher Kalila, MP (Zambia) as the new Chairperson of the CPA Executive Committee for a new three-year term.
Delegates also looked ahead to the next Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference – the 68th Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference (CPC) to be hosted by the CPA Barbados Branch and Parliament of Barbados in October 2025.
CPA Vice-Chairperson from New Zealand elected at new CPA Executive Committee meeting in New South Wales
Following his election, the new CPA Chairperson from Zambia, Hon. Dr Christopher Kalila, MP chaired a meeting of the new CPA Executive Committee at the conclusion of the 67th Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference in New South Wales.
Above: Members of the new CPA Executive Committee that convened in New South Wales on 7 November 2024. Click here for more images from 67th CPC.
During the meeting of the new CPA Executive Committee, Hon. Carmel Sepuloni, MP, Member of the Parliament of New Zealand and Regional Representative for the CPA Pacific Region was elected to the position of Vice-Chairperson of the CPA Executive Committee.
The position of Vice-Chairperson is for a term of one year and the holder is also a Member of the CPA Co-ordinating Committee.
Australian Prime Minister addresses delegates at 67th Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference
Images: Office of the Australian Prime Minister.
The Prime Minister of Australia, Hon. Anthony Albanese, MP, spoke to delegates at 67th Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference at Sydney Town Hall on 7 November 2024 and said:
“Democracy is the backbone of our Parliaments. A strength demonstrated in the tremendous diversity and mobilising power of the nations represented at the Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference. But democracy is more than abstract - it’s about making a positive difference, delivering for people, taking on the big challenges.
Challenges like tackling climate change and seizing the economic opportunities of clean energy. Challenges we will take on together. Thank you for the contribution you make to life and the strength of Parliaments around the world.” To read the Australian Prime Minister's speech please click here.
Recognition for 67th CPC host Branch and outgoing CPA Executive Committee Members
At the conclusion of the 67th Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference, the CPA President (2023-2024), Hon. Ben Franklin, MLC, President of the Legislative Council of New South Wales was presented with a commemorative silver salver to thank the CPA New South Wales Branch for their hosting of the conference.
In addition, outgoing CPA Executive Committee Members were presented with commemorative plaques, traditionally donated by the CPA Malaysia Branch, to thank them for their service to the CPA.
One of the largest gatherings of Commonwealth Parliamentarians, the 67th Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference brought together over 700 Parliamentarians, parliamentary staff and decision makers from across the Commonwealth for this unique conference and networking opportunity.
The 67th CPC was the first time that the CPA New South Wales Branch hosted the event and the first time that an Australian State or Territory hosted the CPA annual conference.
During the 67th Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference, there were also a number of additional conferences and meetings including: 40th CPA Small Branches Conference; 8th Commonwealth Women Parliamentarians (CWP) Conference; meetings of the Commonwealth Parliamentarians with Disabilities (CPwD) network; the CPA General Assembly and meetings of the CPA Executive Committee; and the 58th Society of Clerks at the Table (SOCATT) meetings.
During the conference, a number of elections also took place for the Chairperson of the CPA Executive Committee, the CPA Small Branches Chairperson and the CPA Vice-Chairperson.
Further information about the 67th Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference (CPC) can be found at the official conference website and also at the 67th CPC Hub.
On social media follow the hashtag #67CPC
Images of the 67th CPC are also available at the CPA's Flickr page.
The Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA) organises its annual Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference (CPC) to address global political issues and developments in the parliamentary system through conference workshops and sessions for leading Parliamentarians representing Parliaments and Legislatures throughout the Commonwealth.
The CPA is an international community of almost 180 Commonwealth Parliaments and Legislatures working together to deepen the Commonwealth’s commitment to the highest standards of democratic governance.
For media enquiries, please contact communications@cpahq.org.