CPA supports Anguilla House of Assembly with new educational video for schools
The Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA) Headquarters has supported the launch of new education resources with the Anguilla House of Assembly aimed at helping students to learn about democracy and the work of the Legislature.
A new educational video produced in partnership with the CPA will be used in schools as a tool to educate students about the work of the Assembly.
The Speaker of the Anguilla House of Assembly, Hon. Barbara Webster-Bourne, said:
"If we are to strengthen our democratic systems, our young people as the inheritors of these systems must be educated about those systems and the values that hold them together." The Speaker also expressed her "sincerest appreciation to the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association Secretariat for their ongoing commitment to the Anguilla House of Assembly."
The CPA Headquarters has been working with the Anguilla House of Assembly and CPA Anguilla Branch on CPA Technical Assistance Programme that has resulted in a review of the Assembly’s Standing Orders; a Governance, Organisational and Administrative review; the launch of a new Code of Conduct; as well as the development of outreach and educational resources for the House of Assembly. The CPA Headquarters also engaged a Creative Digital Intern who worked on the video resource project.
The Commonwealth Parliamentary Association recognises the importance of education and outreach for its membership of 180 Parliaments and Legislatures and has a number of tools and resources designed to engage with young people through Parliaments’ public outreach.
Resources like the Commonwealth Day Youth Engagement Handbook and the CPA’s Engagement, Education and Outreach Handbook: Creating Open, Accountable and Transparent Institutions have been developed as practical resources to strengthen public engagement with Legislatures.