Commonwealth Women Parliamentarians aim to further gender equality and equal representation in Parliaments at 66th Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference in Ghana
Women Parliamentarians from across the Commonwealth have met at the 66th Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference in Accra, Ghana. Meetings of the Commonwealth Women Parliamentarians (CWP) network were held at the conference to discuss women’s representation in Parliaments, gender sensitisation and quotas amongst a wide range of topics.
This was also the first Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference held since the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association introduced new measures aiming to ensure equal gender representation at its annual conference resulting in a 60/40 male/female gender ratio amongst voting delegates.
Above: Delegates attend the Commonwealth Women Parliamentarians events at the 66th CPC which included the CWP Business meeting, a UN Women event and the CWP Steering Committee. For further images please click here. Image credits: CPA Headquarters/Parliament of Fiji.
The CWP Business meeting was opened by the CWP Chairperson, Hon. Dr Zainab Gimba, MP, Member of the House of Representatives at the National Assembly of Nigeria, who welcomed delegates and updated on the CWP network’s activities during the previous year and the plans for the year ahead. The CWP Chairperson also pledged to renew the effort to increase women’s representation and political participation in Parliaments across the Commonwealth.
Delegates debated the time and format of future CWP Business meetings and conferences as well as the methods for reporting of CWP activities through the Regional Secretariats, with a motion passed by delegates containing further recommendations for the CWP Steering Committee (more time to be allocated for CWP Business meetings, CWP reports be distributed to Members prior to Business meetings, themes are developed to guide annual activities of the CWP, and new Members receive an induction into the CWP).
The CWP Chairperson delivered her report to the 66th CPA General Assembly later in the week - you can read the CWP Chairperson's report by clicking here.
Following the CWP Business meeting, delegates attended a CWP and UN Women co-hosted event that highlighted the support available to achieve gender-responsive legislation and advance state commitments around global goals pertaining to gender equality. Women in all parts of the world suffer violence and discrimination and they are under-represented in political and economic decision-making processes. Parliamentarians and experts gave key highlights from legal assessments across the Commonwealth, concrete actions that have been taken and the elements of successful reform efforts.
- The CWP President (2023), Hon. Patricia Appiagyei, MP from the Parliament of Ghana spoke to delegates about her experience as a legislator.
- Panellists also included Hon. Donatille Mukabalisa, Speaker of the Parliament of Rwanda and Ms Marsha Caddle, MP, House of Assembly of Barbados.
- Dr Beatrice Duncan, Senior Policy Advisor, Rule of Law and Maureen Shonge, Policy Specialist WPP from UN Women spoke about the recent trends in discriminatory laws, successful reforms and how they were achieved.
At the start of the 66th Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference, the CWP Steering Committee met in Ghana representing the seven of the nine CPA Regions: Africa; Asia; Australia; British Isles and the Mediterranean; Canada; Caribbean, Americas and the Atlantic; and Pacific.
Steering Committee Members discussed activities for the year ahead and also agreed to form a new SubCommittee that will examine the future direction of the CWP network as well as key themes for future conferences and meetings.
The CWP Steering Committee elected Hon. Kate Doust, MLC from the Parliament of Western Australia as the new CWP Vice-Chairperson for a one-year term.
The Commonwealth Women Parliamentarians (CWP) is the network of women Members of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association’s Parliament and Legislatures.
The CWP network provides a means of building the capacity of women elected to Parliament to be effective in their roles; improving the awareness and ability of all Parliamentarians, male and female, and encouraging them to include a gender perspective in all aspects of their role - legislation, oversight and representation and helping Parliaments to become gender-sensitive institutions.
Further information about the 66th Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference (CPC) can be found at the official conference website and also at the 66th CPC Hub.
On social media follow the hashtag #66CPC
Images of the 66th CPC are also available at the CPA's Flickr page.
The Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA) organises its annual Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference (CPC) to address global political issues and developments in the parliamentary system through conference workshops and sessions for leading Parliamentarians representing Parliaments and Legislatures throughout the Commonwealth.
The CPA is an international community of almost 180 Commonwealth Parliaments and Legislatures working together to deepen the Commonwealth’s commitment to the highest standards of democratic governance.
For media enquiries, please contact communications@cpahq.org.