Importance of women’s engagement in parliamentary leadership underscored at CWP Regional Seminar in Jamaica
Commonwealth Women Parliamentarians (CWP) from the CPA Caribbean, Americas and the Atlantic (CAA) Region joined with women leaders at a Regional Conference on Women’s Political and Parliamentary Leadership hosted by the Parliament of Jamaica and CPA Jamaica Branch in New Kingston on Wednesday 12 July 2023.
The hybrid event was held under the theme, ‘Empowering Women in Politics and Parliament: Inspiring Leadership, Driving Change’ with guest speakers joining both in-person and virtually.
The Speaker of the Jamaica House of Representatives, Hon. Marisa Dalrymple-Philibert opened the event and said that it marked a significant moment
“in our collective pursuits of gender equality and inclusive political representation. The conference theme… encapsulates the essence of our shared vision. It is a vision where women’s voices are heard, their perspectives are valued, and their leadership is celebrated.”
The Speaker noted that despite the progress made, there is still a significant gender gap in parliamentary representation globally and this under-representation not only denies women their rightful place in the decision-making process but deprives them of the diverse perspectives, talents and expertise that women undertake “and have always brought to the table”.
The CWP Vice-Chairperson and CWP Caribbean, Americas and Atlantic Regional Representative, Hon. Valerie Woods, Speaker of the House of Representatives at the National Assembly of Belize spoke at the seminar via video link and outlined the importance of women driving change in the Caribbean Region. She said:
“Nothing is more transformative than the sisterhood of women, united in the common cause as we continue to address women’s under-representation in Parliament, gender inequality and inequity, and the need to make the Legislature more gender-senstive and the legislative process more gender responsive.”
Jamaica’s Minister of Culture, Gender, Entertainment and Sport, Hon. Olivia Grange, said the event aimed to educate women Parliamentarians about the positive role and functioning of a Women’s Parliamentary Caucus and to
“sensitise non-Parliamentarians about the legislative process and to explore how women’s issues may be promoted in the Legislature and identify how the legislation can be used to protect women and vulnerable groups in Caribbean society.”
The Minister outlined that Jamaica has one of the highest numbers of women in parliamentary leadership in the Region, noting that the figure has risen to 29% cent since 2000. “With this achievement, Jamaica was and still is poised to empower women to engage in leadership and decision-making by promoting economic development and gender equality,” the Minister stated.
The Parliament of Jamaica recently amended its Standing Orders to establish a Women’s Parliamentary Caucus which promotes constructive dialogue on issues of importance among women Parliamentarians across party lines and in both Chambers. Jamaica’s Houses of Parliament currently have a total of 26 women Parliamentarians, comprising 18 Members of Parliament and eight Senators.
The CWP CAA Regional Conference also featured different presentations including CWP Coordinator, Bénite Dibateza on advocating for women's representation through ensuring that Parliaments are gender-sensitive institutions, and ParlAmericas Eilish Elliott on multi-party women's caucuses and their application.
The CWP Regional Conference in Jamaica was facilitated through a funding grant from the Commonwealth Women Parliamentarians (CWP) Regional Strengthening Funds.
To watch the CWP CAA Regional Conference on Women’s Political and Parliamentary Leadership please click here (YouTube) or view below.
The Commonwealth Women Parliamentarians (CWP) was founded in 1989 to increase the number of female elected representatives in 180 Parliaments and Legislatures across the Commonwealth and to ensure that women’s issues are brought to the fore in parliamentary debate and legislation. The network campaigns for gender equality in all spheres. For media enquiries, please contact communications@cpahq.org.