CPA Secretary-General visits Parliament of Cyprus
The Secretary-General of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association, Stephen Twigg has visited the Parliament of Cyprus. The CPA Secretary-General was received by the CPA Cyprus Branch President and the President of the House of Representatives, Ms Annita Demetriou at the Cyprus Parliament where they discussed a range of topics, including international cooperation across the Commonwealth and professional development for Members of Parliament.
The CPA Secretary-General also met with Cypriot Members of Parliament - Aristos Damianou, MP; Nikos Sykas, MP; and the Secretary-General of the House of Representatives, Mrs Tassoula Jeronymides.
CPA Cyprus Branch Members attended the 65th Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference (CPC) in Halifax, Canada in August 2022 and the 52nd CPA British Islands and Mediterranean Regional Conference in the UK in April 2023.
The CPA Secretary-General also toured the historical Cyprus Archaeological Museum and observed Plenary Session of the Cyprus House of Representatives which was addressed by the Speaker of the Polish Sejm (the lower House of the Polish Parliament).
The Cyprus Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association was founded in 1979 at the Cyprus Parliament and is a member of the CPA British Islands and Mediterranean Region.
The Commonwealth Parliamentary Association connects, develops, promotes and supports Parliamentarians and their staff to identify benchmarks of good governance and the implementation of the enduring values of the Commonwealth. The CPA is an international community of around 180 Commonwealth Parliaments and Legislatures working together to deepen the Commonwealth’s commitment to the highest standards of democratic governance.
For media enquiries, please contact communications@cpahq.org.