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Celebrating the Deputy Speakers of the UK House of Commons

Women Speakers: Leading Roles - Hon. Judith Cummins, MP

First Deputy Speaker of the UK House of Commons

Constituency: Bradford South
First elected to the UK Parliament: 7 May 2015.
Published 3 February 2025. Interview by Natasa Pantelic.


  • Who inspired you growing up and how did they affect your journey to becoming a Parliamentarian?

I have always felt that I’ve been inspired by values rather than by any one individual. Growing up, it was discussions with my family, friends and neighbours that motivated me to get involved in politics.


  • Why did you stand to be Deputy Speaker?

I believe that every Member must be given a voice in this Parliament. We all deserve to work in a positive and inclusive environment, where everyone is treated with respect and dignity. This is vital for the success of democracy. Standing up for these values is what moved me to stand to be Deputy Speaker.


  • What are your priorities for the role?

Parliament is at the heart of our democracy. In an age of global political volatility, I am absolutely committed to ensuring that all sides of the Chamber have a voice so that their constituents - the British public - are fully represented. Protecting this democratic process is both my greatest responsibility as a Deputy Speaker and the greatest privilege of the role.


  • How are you balancing your role as a constituency MP vs a Deputy Speaker? What are you doing differently?

Having less sleep and working longer hours!


  • What’s the best thing about working with two other women in the Deputy Speaker role and with the Speaker?

In the many hundreds of years of the UK Parliament’s existence, this is the very first time that all three Deputy Speakers have been women. It is such an enormous privilege to be working with my Deputy Speaker colleagues in what represents such a significant historical milestone. It is also a great honour to be working with Mr Speaker, who I know has done so much to create a better working environment in the UK Parliament for both Members and staff and to protect the neutrality of the Chair.


  • Only 64 women preside over one of the Houses of 190 Parliaments around the world. What’s your message to women in those Parliaments who are thinking about standing for this role but are not sure?

Presiding over often-lively debates requires many skills. You must have a thoughtful respect for all colleagues and work to ensure that all debates are fair. My message to those women who are thinking about standing for a role is to trust in your abilities, and to go for it!


  • What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever been given that you’d like to share with women on International Women’s Day?

Don’t let other people define you and don’t give up at the first hurdle.


  • Finally, do you have a favourite procedural rule from Erskine May?

Until as recently as 1998, there was a procedural rule that meant that any Member wishing to raise a Point of Order would be required to speak with a hat on. Collapsible top hats were kept in the House of Commons chamber for this purpose and were thrown to the Member raising the Point of Order. The rule was eventually withdrawn after the Modernisation Select Committee found that the practice:

‘brought the House into greater ridicule than almost any other, particularly since the advent of television’!



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