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Call for consultants: developing an online course on the role of Parliamentarians in upholding human rights

Overview: Apply to be a consultant

The CPA Headquarters Secretariat is calling for consultants to develop an online course on the role of Parliamentarians in upholding human rights as part of the CPA Parliamentary Academy, our online learning platform.

The consultant will work with the CPA to develop the written course content for use by Parliamentarians of Commonwealth national and subnational legislatures.

About the course

This course will address the critical issue of human rights and the role of Parliamentarians in ensuring that they are upheld within their respective jurisdictions.

The course should provide an overview of the history of human rights and how they have evolved, linking these processes to how Parliamentarians understand them; and how this influences how laws and policies are developed, implemented and reviewed.

Further modules should cover human rights treaties; parliamentary scrutiny and oversight; human rights and their relationship with sustainable development; and the relationship between human rights and gender equality.

Human rights have been identified as a strategic objective in the CPA Strategic Plan 2022 - 2025 - identifying the critical role of the CPA and its Member Parliaments in advancing the Commonwealth Charter through our capacity-building programmes and awareness-raising communications.

The course should be designed to provide a comprehensive yet accessible introduction for Parliamentarians, including those with limited prior knowledge of human rights. As with other courses across the CPA Parliamentary Academy, there is a strong emphasis on making the course practical through information that can readily be transferred to support a Parliamentarian’s work, while also being underpinned by authoritative research and theory.

Role Requirements

Role requirements:

  • available from 13 December 2023 to 19 February 2024
  • at least five years’ experience working in a parliamentary or related academic setting and a strong understanding of human rights approaches taken by legislatures
  • fluent in English

Contract and how to apply

The contract will be for GBP £5,000 inclusive of taxes.

If you would like to be considered for the position, please send your CV and Covering Letter to by Friday, 8 December 2023 (23:59 GMT).

For further information, please get in touch with Clive Barker, Programmes Manager ( and Lydia Buchanan, Deputy Head of Programmes (


Webpage updated 09/11/2023