CPA Online Community Platform
International Day

International Day of Democracy 2025

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Event Details

Date: 15 September 2025

Location: Worldwide

The International Day of Democracy provides an opportunity to review the state of democracy in the world. 
The mission of the CPA is:
to promote knowledge of the constitutional, legislative, economic, social and cultural aspects of parliamentary democracy, with particular reference to the countries of the Commonwealth.
The work of the CPA supports Parliamentarians and parliamentary staff across its 180 Branches to uphold and strengthen parliamentary democracy, the rule of law, sustainable development and human rights. Through mutual learning, dialogue, co-operation and networking, the CPA seeks to build strong, powerful and effective parliamentary institutions that are able to respond and adapt to the challenges of today and tomorrow.
Effective Parliaments are one of the principal institutions of any functioning democracy. An elected Parliament acts as a representative body of the population and should retain the ability to pass laws, hold the government to account, scrutinise public spending and voice the concerns of citizens. 

On International Day of Democracy, the CPA and its Members around the world renew our commitment to safeguard, support and strengthen parliamentary democracy.

If you are holding events for International Day of Democracy then tag @CPA_Secretariat on X/Twitter/Instagram or email details to

Building better democracies

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CPA Recommended Benchmarks for Democratic Legislatures (2018):

The CPA Recommended Benchmarks for Democratic Legislatures provide a framework for excellence in Commonwealth parliamentary and legislative practice.