CPA Online Community Platform

11th Commonwealth Youth Parliament

Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago
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Event Details

Dates: 20 to 24 November 2022

The 11th Commonwealth Youth Parliament (#CYP11) will be hosted by the Parliament of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago from 20 to 24 November 2022, on behalf of the CPA Caribbean, Atlantic and Americas Region.


About the Commonwealth Youth Parliament

The Commonwealth Youth Parliament (CYP) is one of the CPA’s most popular programmes and brings together participants aged 18-29 representing the nine CPA Regions – Africa; Asia; Australia; British Islands and Mediterranean; Caribbean, Americas and Atlantic; Canada; India; Pacific; South-East Asia.

The week long Commonwealth Youth Parliament provides a key development opportunity for young people from the Commonwealth with ambitions of public office and is designed to demonstrate to potential future young Parliamentarians the fundamentals behind the processes of Parliament.

The CYP gives participants a Pan-Commonwealth experience and a hugely valuable networking opportunity with other participants from across the Commonwealth as well as with current Members of Parliament from different jurisdictions who act as mentors throughout the week. The CYP offers participants an opportunity to experience one of the key institutions which underpin democracy and good governance.



This programme is open to all CPA Branches to nominate up to two young people to attend this CYP. Registration is not available to the public.

If you require further information about nominations for this event, please email