CPA Parliamentary Academy

Uttar Pradesh Legislature

Shri Satish Mahana, MLA, Speaker of the Legislative Assembly of Uttar Pradesh
CPA Uttar Pradesh Branch President
Uttar Pradesh Legislative Assembly
Mr Pradeep Kumar Dubey, Principal Secretary to the Legislative Assembly
CPA Uttar Pradesh Branch Secretary
Uttar Pradesh Legislative Assembly

Joined the Commonwealth: 15 August 1947

CPA Branch Formed: 1 January 1971

Unicameral/Bicameral: Bicameral – Legislative Assembly (403), Legislative Council (100)

Parliament/Legislature Website: Uttar Pradesh Legislative Assembly 

Standing Orders: Click here


Number of Departmental/Ministry Oversight Committees: 30 (Standing Committees to advise Ministers).

Number of Joint Committees (if bicameral): Statutory Committees: 5, Standing Committees: 4

Names of House Management (such as Privileges or Procedure) Committees: Committee on Privileges, Rules Committee. 

Articles in The Parliamentarian:

  • Pradeep Kumar Dubey, Climate Change and its impact in India (Issue 4, 2016) 
  • Pradeep Kumar Dubey, Separation of Powers - Parliament and the Judiciary (Issue 2, 2016) 

Key Facts

Date of Independence
15 Aug 1957
CPA Branch Formed
01 Jan 1957
Voting Age
First Parliament
01 Apr 1937
Seat of Parliament