Parliament of Trinidad and Tobago
Joined the Commonwealth: 31 August 1962
CPA Branch formed: 1 January 1944
Unicameral/Bicameral: Bicameral - House of Representatives (41), Senate (31)
Parliament/Legislature website: Parliament of Trinidad and Tobago
Number of Departmental/Ministry Oversight Committees: Currently 20.
Number of Joint Committees (if bicameral): 20
Names of House Management (such as Privileges or Procedure) Committees: Committee of Privileges of the House of Representatives; Standing Orders Committee of the House of Representatives; House Committee of the House of Representatives; Statutory Instruments Committee of the House of Representatives; Business Committee of the House of Representatives; Standing Finance Committee - House of Representatives; Business Committee of the Senate; Statutory Instruments of the Senate; Committee of Privileges of the Senate; Standing Orders Committee of the Senate; House Committee of the Senate
Standing Orders: House of Representatives, Senate
Constitution: click here
Recent articles in The Parliamentarian:
- The Parliamentarian 2019 Issue Two - 'Commonwealth at 70: A Connected Commonwealth' - Senator Hon. Dennis Moses, Minister of Foreign and CARICOM Affairs
- The Parliamentarian 2017 Issue Four - 'Parliamentarians with Disabilities' - Senator Ian Roach
- The Parliamentarian 2016 Issue Four - 'Trinidad and Tobago's role in Commonwealth Trade' - Senator Hon. Paula Gopee-Scoon
- The Parliamentarian 2015 Issue One - 'Strengthening Financial Security: Public Accounts' - Senator Hon. Raziah Ahmed
Recent CPA Programmatic Activities/News:
- The Speaker of the House of Representatives of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago and Joint CPA Trinidad and Tobago Branch President, Hon. Bridgid Annisette-George together with a delegation from Trinidad and Tobago met with the CPA Secretary-General, Stephen Twigg during a visit to the UK Parliament from 11 to 14 July 2023. Click here to read about this visit.
- In November 2022, 52 young people from 31 Commonwealth jurisdictions took part in the 11th Commonwealth Youth Parliament (CYP) hosted by the Parliament of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago at The Red House, Port-of-Spain. To read about the event click here.
- The CPA Headquarters Secretariat partnered with the Parliament of Trinidad and Tobago on 22, 24 February and 1 March 2021 to deliver a CPA Post-Election Seminar for members of the 12th Trinidad and Tobago Parliament.
- Parliamentary staff from the Parliament of Trinidad and Tobago have also contributed to CPA Post-Election Seminars in the following Commonwealth Legislatures in recent times:
- The Dominica House of Assembly;
- The Anguilla House of Assembly
- On 25 November 2020, the Hon. Bridgid Annisette-George, MP, Speaker of the House of Representatives, was a panellist at the CPA Webinar for Speakers and Presiding Officers of the Commonwealth: COVID-19 and Independent Parliaments, where discussions looked at the importance of maintaining parliamentary sovereignty and legislative supremacy in the light of the ongoing COVI-19 pandemic.
Read the Final Report
Key Facts

31 Aug 1962
01 Jan 1944
29 Dec 1961
Port of Spain