67th Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference

Parliament of South Africa

Hon. Angela Thoko Didiza, MP, Speaker of the National Assembly
Joint CPA South Africa Branch President
Parliament of South Africa speaker@parliament.gov.za
Hon. Refilwe Mtshweni-Tsipane, Chairperson of National Council of Provinces
Joint CPA South Africa Branch President
Parliament of South Africa chairpersonsoffice@parliament.gov.za
Adv Modibedi E. Phindela, Secretary to the National Council of Provinces
CPA South Africa Branch Secretary
Parliament of South Africa info@parliament.gov.za

Joined the Commonwealth: Re-joined on 1 June 1994

CPA South Africa Branch: South Africa was one of the six original founding Members of the now Commonwealth Parliamentary Association in 1911. The CPA South Africa Branch was first established in 1912 and later re-joined the CPA in January 1995 following a period of absence.

Unicameral/Bicameral: Bicameral - The National Assembly (400), The National Council of Provinces (90)

Parliament website: https://www.parliament.gov.za/

Standing Orders: The National Assembly

The National Council of Provinces

Constitution: Click here

Number of Departmental/Ministry Oversight Committees: 

  • There are 46 Parliamentary Committees (25 Portfolio Committees, 11 Select Committees, four Standing Committees, four Joint Committees, one Ad Hoc Committee and one Committee). 

Number of Portfolio Committees (if bicameral):

  • National Assembly (25): Portfolio Committee on Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development; Portfolio Committee on Basic Education; Portfolio Committee on Communications; Portfolio Committee on Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs; Portfolio Committee on Defence and Military Veterans; Portfolio Committee on Employment and Labour; Portfolio Committee on Environment, Forestry and Fisheries; Portfolio Committee on Health; Portfolio Committee on Higher Education, Science and Technology; Portfolio Committee on Home Affairs; Portfolio Committee on Human Settlements, Water and Sanitation; Portfolio Committee on International Relations and Cooperation; Portfolio Committee on Justice and Correctional Services; Portfolio Committee on Mineral Resources and Energy; Portfolio Committee on Police; Portfolio Committee on Public Enterprises; Portfolio Committee on Public Service and Administration; Portfolio Committee on Public Works and Infrastructure; Portfolio Committee on Small Business Development; Portfolio Committee on Social Development; Portfolio Committee on Sports, Arts and Culture; Portfolio Committee on Tourism; Portfolio Committee on Trade and Industry; Portfolio Committee on Transport; Portfolio Committee on Women, Youth and Persons with Disabilities.

Number of Select Committees: 11

  • Select Committee on Appropriations; Select Committee on Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs, Water and Sanitation and Human Settlements; Select Committee on Education and Technology, Sports, Arts and Culture; Select Committee on Finance; Select Committee on Health and Social Services; Select Committee on Land Reform, Environment, Mineral Resources and Energy; Select Committee on Petitions and Executive Undertakings; Select Committee on Public Enterprises and Communication; Select Committee on Security and Justice; Select Committee on Trade and Industry, Economic Development, Small Business Development, Tourism, Employment and Labour; Select Committee on Transport, Public Service and Administration, Public Works and Infrastructure. 

Number of Standing Committees: 4

  • Standing Committee on Appropriations; Standing Committee on Auditor-General; Standing Committee on Finance, and Standing Committee on Public Accounts. 

Number of Joint Committees: 4

  • Joint Standing Committee on Defence; Joint Standing Committee on Financial Management of Parliament; Joint Standing Committee on Intelligence and; Joint Committee on Ethics and Members' Interest.

Number of Ad-Hoc Committees: 1

  • Ad Hoc Committee to initiate and Introduce Legislation amending Section 25 of the Constitution

Number of Committees: 1

  • Committee on Multi-Party Women's Caucus

Articles in The Parliamentarian:

Key Facts

Date of Independence
31 May 1961
CPA Branch Formed
01 Jan 1911
Voting Age
First Parliament
31 Oct 1910
Seat of Parliament
Cape Town