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Joined the Commonwealth: 1 January 1911
CPA Branch Formed: 1 January 2000
Unicameral/Bicameral: Unicameral – Scottish Parliament (129)
Parliament/Legislature website: Scottish Parliament
Standing Orders: Scottish Parliament
Number of Departmental/Ministry Oversight Committees: There are 7 subject Committees and 7 mandatory Committees
Names of House Management (such as Privileges or Procedure) Committees: The remit of the Standards, Procedures and Public Appointments Committee includes to consider and report on the practice and procedures of the Parliament in relation to its business.
In addition, the Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body is responsible for ensuring that the Parliament is provided with the property, staff and services it requires. While the Parliamentary Bureau has a remit to:
(a) propose the Parliament’s programme of business;
(b) propose alterations to the daily business list;
(c) propose the establishment, remit, membership and duration of any Committee or Sub-Committee; and
(d) determine any question regarding the competence of a committee to deal with a matter and, to determine the lead Committee in relation to any matter that falls within the competence of more than one Committee.
Recent news:
CPA Scotland Branch participation in CPC Workshops:
Recent articles in The Parliamentarian: