CPA Online Community Platform

Legislative Assembly of Prince Edward Island

Hon. Darlene Compton, MLA, Speaker of the Legislative Assembly
CPA Prince Edward Island Branch President
Legislative Assembly of Prince Edward Island
Joseph Jeffrey, Clerk of the Legislative Assembly
CPA Prince Edward Island Branch Secretary
Legislative Assembly of Prince Edward Island

Joined the Commonwealth: 19 November 1926

CPA Branch formed: 9 April 1941

Unicameral/Bicameral: Unicameral - Legislative Assembly of Prince Edward Island (27)

Parliament/Legislature website: Legislative Assembly of Prince Edward Island

Number of Departmental/Ministry Oversight Committees: Currently 4

Standing Committee on Education and Economic Growth; Standing Committee on Health and Social Development; Standing Committee on Natural Resources and Environmental Sustainability; Standing Committee on Public Accounts  

Names of House Management (such as Privileges or Procedure) Committees: 

Standing Committee on Legislative Management; Standing Committee on Rules, Regulations, Private Bills and Privileges 

Standing Orders: Please click here


Recent Articles in The Parliamentarian:

Recent activities:

July 2022: Commonwealth Parliamentarians meet in Prince Edward Island to discuss strengthening legislative practices at the 58th CPA Canada Regional Conference

Key Facts

CPA Branch Formed
09 Apr 1941
Voting Age
Seat of Parliament