CPA Online Community Platform

National Parliament of Papua New Guinea

Hon. Job Pomat MP, Speaker of Parliament
CPA Papua New Guinea Branch President
National Parliament of Papua New Guinea
Kala Aufa, Clerk of Parliament
CPA Papua New Guinea Branch Secretary
National Parliament of Papua New Guinea

Joined the Commonwealth: 16 September 1975

CPA Branch formed: 1 January 1952

Unicameral/Bicameral: Unicameral (National Parliament)

Parliament/Legislature website: National Parliament of Papua New Guinea


Number of Departmental/Ministry Oversight Committees: 9 (Culture and Tourism; Economic Affairs; Foreign Affairs and Defense; Law and Order; Legislation; Pensions and Retirement Benefits; Plans and Estimates; Public Accounts; Public works)

Names of House Management (such as Privileges or Procedure) Committees: Constitutional Laws and Acts and Subordinate Legislation; Broadcasting of Parliamentary Proceedings; Private Business; Standing Orders; Privileges; Appointments




Key Facts

Date of Independence
16 Sep 1975
CPA Branch Formed
01 Jan 1952
Voting Age
Seat of Parliament
Port Moresby