67th Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference

Parliament of Malta

Hon. Angelo Farrugia, MP, Speaker of the House of Representatives
CPA Malta Branch President
Parliament of Malta clerkofthehouse@parlament.mt
Ms Eleanor Scerri, Clerk of the Parliament
CPA Malta Branch Secretary
Parliament of Malta clerkofthehouse@parlament.mt

Joined the Commonwealth: 21 September 1964

CPA Branch Formed: 1925-31; reformed 1948; in abeyance 1959-62; auxiliary Branch 1962; Main Branch 1964; withdrew membership 1983; reformed 1987.

Unicameral/Bicameral: Unicameral – House of Representatives (67)

Standing Orders: House of Representatives

Constitution: Click here 


Number of Departmental/Ministry Oversight Committees: 17 Standing Committees, 5 Select Committees. Further information can be found here.

Names of House Management (such as Privileges or Procedure) Committees: Public Accounts Committee; Standing Committee on Foreign and European Affairs; Standing Committee on House Business; Standing Committee on Privileges; Social Affairs Committee; Standing Committee for the Consideration of Bills. Development Planning Committee; National Audit Office Accounts Committee; Re-Codification and Consolidation of Laws Select Committee; Medically Assisted Procreation Select Committee; Strengthening of Democracy Select Committee.

Articles in The Parliamentarian (2013-2021):

Recent Programmatic Activities:

Key Facts

Date of Independence
21 Sep 1964
CPA Branch Formed
01 Jan 1949
Voting Age
Seat of Parliament