Parliament of Kiribati (Maneaba ni Maungatabu)
Joined the Commonwealth: 12 July 1979
CPA Branch formed: 1 January 1968
Unicameral/Bicameral: Unicameral (Maneaba ni Maungatabu)
Parliament/Legislature website: Parliament of Kiribati
Number of Departmental/Ministry Oversight Committees: 1 (Public Accounts). The Maneaba may establish at the beginning of each term more than one Standing Committee.
Names of House Management (such as Privileges or Procedure) Committees: Business; Privileges.
Recent Articles in The Parliamentarian:
- The Parliamentarian 2023 Issue Two - CPA news: Kiribati twinning partnership on Audit Offices with Australian Capital Territory
- The Parliamentarian 2020 Issue Two - CWP News: CWP Pacific - Kiribati women MPs and first woman Speaker
Recent activities:
- In February 2024, a CPA delegation met with the Parliament of Kiribati as part of a CPA Benchmarks self-assessment. As part of their visit, the CPA delegation met with the Speaker, the Deputy Speaker, the Clerk and Members of Parliament as well as parliamentary staff, and other stakeholders including Government officials, the media and civil society groups. Read the Outcomes Report.
Read the Outcomes Report
Key Facts

12 Jul 1979
01 Jan 1968
01 Jan 1977
Ambo, Tarawa