Parliament of Fiji
Joined the Commonwealth: 10 October 1970 (rejoined 1997)
CPA Branch formed: 1 October 1970
Unicameral/Bicameral: Unicameral
Number of Departmental/Ministry Oversight Committees: 6 (Standing Committees: Economic Affairs; Social Affairs; Natural Resources; Public Accounts; Foreign Affairs and Defence; Justice, Law and Human Rights)
Names of House Management (such as Privileges or Procedure) Committees: Business; House; Standing Orders; Privileges; Emoluments
Parliament/Legislature website: Parliament of Fiji
Recent activities:
- In November 2023, a CPA delegation met with the Parliament of Fiji as part of a CPA Benchmarks self-assessment. As part of their visit, the CPA delegation met with the Speaker, the Deputy Speaker, the Secretary-General and Members of Parliament as well as parliamentary staff, and other stakeholders including Government officials, the media and civil society groups. Read the Outcomes Report.
Read the Outcomes Report
Articles in The Parliamentarian:
- The Parliamentarian 2022 Issue Two - CWP News: CWP Fiji workshop aims to increase participation
- The Parliamentarian 2022 Issue One - Disabilities news: International Disabilities Day report from Fiji Parliament
- The Parliamentarian 2021 Issue Four - Hon. Viam Pillay MP, CPwD Pacific Regional Champion and Fiji MP, How can Parliaments be more accessible to persons with disabilities?
- The Parliamentarian 2021 Issue One - CWP News: Increase in women MPs in Fiji Parliament
- The Parliamentarian 2018 Issue One - Hon. Dr Jiko Luveni, Speaker of Parliament, CPA Technical Assistance Programme boosts Fijian Parliament's capacity and public awareness
- The Parliamentarian 2017 Issue Four - Hon. Dr Jiko Luveni, Speaker of Parliament, How can CPA Members work with their own governments in ensuring that the SDG goals have a proper gender lens to ensure success in the areas of alleviating poverty and women’s empowerment?
- The Parliamentarian 2017 Issue Four - Hon. Mataiasi Akauola Niumataiwalu, MP, The Role of Male Parliamentarians in Championing Gender Equality
- The Parliamentarian 2017 Issue One - Hon. Dr Jiko Luveni, MP, Speaker of Parliament - Legislating effectively to protect Women from Political Violence
- The Parliamentarian 2013 Issue Three - Legitimizing Regime Change: Fiji's New Constitution and the 2014 Election - Dr Steven Ratuva, University of Auckland
Key Facts

10 Oct 1970
01 Oct 1970
01 Jan 1970