CPA Strategic Plan - Consultation for 2026-2029 plan
As the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA) prepares our Strategic Plan for 2026-2029, this consultation survey is being shared to enable both CPA Branches and Members, as well as partner organisations, to have their voices heard.
This consultation process will feature two stages. In this first stage, we are keen to do three things:
- Receive feedback about how our current work streams could be developed, adapted or improved in the future.
- Consider ways in which the CPA's new international status could provide opportunities for increasing the impact of the CPA's work.
- Provide an opportunity for CPA Branches and Members as well as other partners to suggest potential new areas of work in the future.
The outcomes of this first stage will be presented to the CPA International Executive Committee when it meets in London in May 2025 after which a second stage consultation will be held seeking views on a draft CPA Strategic Plan.
The outcome of this second stage will be taken to the 68th Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference in Barbados this October at which the draft 2026-2029 CPA Strategic Plan will be presented for discussion and approval.
The survey questions are structured around ten key themes based on the current 2022-2025 CPA Strategic Plan. These are:
- New opportunities arising from a new CPA legal status
- Strengthening Parliaments
- Professional development
- Partnerships
- Promoting Commonwealth values
- Women's equality
- Disability inclusion
- Empowering small jurisdictions
- Youth
- Technology and innovation
We should highlight that not every stakeholder will be able to answer all these questions. Please answer as many or as few of the questions as you wish.
Please click here to access the consultation survey and provide feedback
If you have any further feedback or questions regarding this consultation then please email hq.sec@cpahq,org.