67th Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference

Nomination Form - 67th Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference

Who should complete this form?

This nomination form should only be accessed by CPA Branch Secretaries and other individuals responsible for coordinating parliamentary engagement with the CPA. The link to the form should not be shared with anyone else.

The host Branch and the CPA HQ Secretariat cannot accept multiple nominations forms submitted by different individuals within a single CPA Branch. Only the official Branch nomination will be considered. 

Organisations wishing to observe proceedings at the Conference should contact the CPA HQ Secretariat directly via cpc@cpahq.org

When should I complete this form?

Nomination forms should be completed as soon as possible after nominations open.

The deadline for submission of nominations is Friday 23 August 2024.

What information will I need to complete this form?

To complete this form, you will need to:

  • provide the contact details for the individual completing the nominations for the Branch
  • provide the name, role, email address and gender for each of the nominations
  • consider the allocated numbers applicable to your Branch
  • consider the gender balance of the overall delegation when submitting nominations
CPA Constitution: In determining Branch delegates each Branch shall ensure that at least one third of its delegation to the General Assembly are women except only where it is impossible to do so, either by virtue of the composition of the legislature itself or limitations arising due to a single CPC delegate entitlement or otherwise.
[Where ‘one third’ is not a whole number, the number should be rounded up or down to the nearest whole – e.g., one third of four would be one and one third of five would be two].
  • consider the maximum number of additional persons you can include in your delegations 
    • A national Branch = 3x parliamentary observers and 2x accompanying officials
    • A subnational Branch = 2x parliamentary observers and 1x accompanying official

Please refer to the Information Circular for additional information.

Nomination Form Link

CLICK HERE (opens in new window).

If you are having trouble submitting the nomination form, please contact cpc@cpahq.org.

What happens after I submit the form?

  1. The CPA HQ Secretariat will review your nominations and check that it meets the nomination criteria and matches your delegate entitlement.
  2. If there is any missing information or issues with your nominations, the CPA HQ Secretariat will contact you directly to resolve this.
  3. Once your nominations have been approved, nominees will receive a link to register for the 67th Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference via email.

Important: The registration link should only be accessed by approved nominees to the Conference or parliamentary staff who are supporting Members to register.
The link should not be shared with anyone else. Any individual submitting a registration form who has not already been nominated and approved by the CPA HQ Secretariat and host Branch will not be permitted to register for the Conference. This applies to delegates and observers from active CPA Branches.

Booking travel and accommodation

  • We strongly advise you not to book any travel or accommodation until you have received confirmation that your nominations to the Conference have been approved.
  • It is recommended that you book travel and accommodation as soon as possible after your nominations have been approved. Registration forms can be completed without travel information included, but it is preferable to indicate your travel and accommodation plans at the registration stage.
  • If you plan to book your travel with the CPA's travel contractor, Global Link Travel, please click here to complete an Advance Passenger Information System (APIS) Form and note that the email addresses to contact are rima@globallinktravel.com and bookings@globallinktravel.com